Stephen Dixon

Stephen Dixon

The push for online content

Picture of a Laptop

Our Secretary Dr Steve Dixon has found some time away from his day-to-day work as a Senior Lecturer at Newman University; to reflect upon the technologically mediated realities that now exist within education. The post provides an opportunity to think about a variety of problems, digital divides and inequalities that can…

Education Studies Students 2.0?

At Newman University, Birmingham, as in much of UK HE, there is a concerted effort to move towards models of e-assessment, blended and distance learning. Set against this is the ongoing and persuasive discourse that tells us our students have changed (Prensky, 2001, et al), making grandiose claims as to…

Sounding Good: Exploring the potential of audio feedback

Most academics find the process of giving detailed, appropriate feedback to students an extremely time-consuming one. With increased VLE use and blended approaches to delivery, opportunities are now available to re-appraise different ways of recording and giving feedback to students. Under the auspices of the Joint Information Systems Committee’s (JISC)…