A Comparative Study of Teaching & Learning Styles in the UK and South East Asia

This study is a working paper assessing student reactions to different teaching and learning approaches in Vietnam and the UK. The aim is to advise of the best methodology of dealing with teaching UK subjects in Vietnamese classrooms.

The paper evaluates existing literature related to teaching and learning styles in the UK and in South East Asia as a comparative transnational study as defined by Thomas (1998) cited in Watson (2012). It considers approaches in two educational organizations to determine successful classroom approaches.

The format is a literature review supported by personal observations of teaching and learning styles in the UK and South East Asia as a prelude to an in depth investigation into two specific organisations approaches to teaching the same subject.

The key findings at the current stage of investigation include; how the cultural underpinnings of Confucianism in Vietnam affect the active learning approaches of western teaching styles in Vietnamese classrooms. Vietnamese students find the didactic approach used in many South East Asian countries causes initial confusion due to their unfamiliarity with western learning styles. Teachers then find they adapt to deal with the students rather than focusing on student facilitation and learning. This will lead to an exploration of how to assist the understanding of contemporary western classroom teaching and learning techniques for Vietnamese students.