An Investigation of Primary School Children’s Views of their Current Classroom Environment

Jacqueline Horsfield


Motivation for learning can be hindered or encouraged by classroom design, therefore highlighting how important it is to ask children how they would prefer their learning space designed (Aburas et al, 2014, Li and Sun, 2015). The aim of the research was to discover how pupils would prefer their classroom designed using the views of primary school children (aged 5-6). This research has created positive changes due to the school using the findings to adapt their classroom to satisfy and suit the needs of children. Using focus-groups, photo-elicitation, children’s drawings and semi-structured interviews within an evaluative design frame, this research revealed that children are competent research participants giving creative and realistic ideas on how to improve their classroom. The findings established that within learning environments, children require access to a quiet space, an outside area to learn through first-hand experience and creative interactive walls. One question that arose from the data was what colour classroom walls should be to influence a calm and happy learning environment, which needs further research due to some colours negatively affecting children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (Lawrence, 2010). In conclusion, primary school aged children were able to contribute realistic ideas to the study. Furthermore, most of the ideas proposed represented a Reggio Emilia style classroom with plain walls wanting to be covered and an outside area being most popular within the children’s classroom drawings.
Therefore, classrooms within traditional schools could be suggested as not what children desire and should be adapted to benefit children’s learning.

Horsfield, J. (2018) An Investigation of Primary School Children’s Views of their Current Classroom Environment. Transformations, [online] Vol. 2(1). Available at: [Accessed 20 Apr, 2024].


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