Is Technology Good for Education?, by N. Selwyn

Ioanna Palaiologou

Is Technology Good for Education?
By N Selwyn. Pp 178 (pbk). Cambridge: Polity Press. 2016. ISBN 9780745696478.

This book debates the role of technology in education in 21st century. Although there is much discussion and debate about the role of technology/ies in education as well as discourse on the prons and cons of their use, this book offers the reader the opportunity to take some time zooming out of these narrow and in many cases technical debates and reflect on bigger issues about the role of technology in education such as: democratic education, accessibility, equality, commercialisation, learning preferences and encourages the reader to critically examine assumptions we make about technology in education.

Palaiologou, I.(2016) Review of Is Technology Good for Education?, by N. Selwyn. Educationalfutures, [online] Vol. 7(3). Available at: [Accessed 18 Apr, 2024].


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