Stephen Griffin

Stephen Griffin

(Re)Conceptualising Education Studies: Curriculum concepts and continuities

Education Studies programmes in undergraduate awards have typically had to contend with the multiple challenges of epistemological coherence, its (dis)connection to educational practice and trajectories of studentship in the study of the field. While the ‘discipline’ of Education Studies has typically drawn on aspects of history, psychology, philosophy and sociology…

Education Studies Students 2.0?

At Newman University, Birmingham, as in much of UK HE, there is a concerted effort to move towards models of e-assessment, blended and distance learning. Set against this is the ongoing and persuasive discourse that tells us our students have changed (Prensky, 2001, et al), making grandiose claims as to…

Despite Ourselves? Education Studies: between spirit and ‘passing on’

This article presents findings from a curricular intervention made by lecturers on the Education Studies degree programme at Newman University College (a programme that stands alone without any proximal relation to teacher training). In so doing, it engages with the “spirit” or “ideal subject” of Education Studies in relation to…