Educating for Hope in Troubled Times: Climate change and the transition to a post-carbon future, by D. Hicks

Stephen Ward

At just 200 pages, this is a big book. It deals with massive issues facing the planet, its future and its inhabitants. David Hicks has spent a professional and academic lifetime studying and teaching climate change and futures, and much of the wisdom in the book flows from his experiences of working with students and teachers. In the present volume he brings together a rich and powerful explanation of how education and schools can transform society to meet and avert the global disasters of the changing climate, peak oil and unrestricted economic growth. In Part 1, Troubled Times, the technical matters are clearly and accessibly explained for the new reader, but systematically supported by a wide range of research evidence to inform and convince both experts and sceptics. And this is more than the usual finger-wagging invective about recycling and using less energy. Instead Hicks explores the social, political and psychological reasons why change is difficult and resisted.

Ward, S.(2015) Review of Educating for Hope in Troubled Times: Climate change and the transition to a post-carbon future, by D. Hicks. Educationalfutures, [online] Vol. 7(1). Available at: [Accessed 20 Apr, 2024].


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