A small scale survey assessing the impact of mentoring perspectives on mentoring schemes within primary and secondary schools

Laura Brennan


The concept of mentoring is not a new phenomenon; it can be traced back to Greek mythology. Nevertheless, it is an increasingly popular area of interest within the development of children and young people. The research undertaken demonstrates the different perspectives held on mentoring particularly in relation to what mentoring is, the impact perspectives may have on mentoring schemes, and whether perspectives have changed or are changing. Four participants with a variety of experience working with children and young people were interviewed to gather an in-depth understanding of their views on mentoring. Analysis of interviews and literature highlighted how mentoring can be regarded as a formal and confusing term among people who do not associate their role with that of mentoring. Additionally, the role of early intervention and age appropriateness was a key theme: mentoring, it is suggested, should be made available as early as possible in a child’s life. Overall, mentoring plays a significant role in children and young people’s personal and academic development and, therefore, clarification of mentoring is urgently needed.

Brennan, L. (2014) A small scale survey assessing the impact of mentoring perspectives on mentoring schemes within primary and secondary schools. Transformations, [online] Vol. 1(1). Available at: https://educationstudies.org.uk/?p=3433 [Accessed 20 Apr, 2024].


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